Friday, February 29, 2008

Seeing Storyboard Exercise

In todays lesson we had to observe a clip of a film, invoving an Oil rig disaster. We had to print off two story boards and make our own storyboard out of the specific clip of the film.

We also had to not only draw the shots, but label them with essentials such as shot positions, angles, and other miscellus information.

I completed 8 frames of the storyboard and I just need to make some tweaks to the pictures.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Workshop Film Puzzle I

Today Chris set us a task involving the re-arrangement of film clips. The film was Brokeback Mountain. We needed to titled every clips and put them in the correct order.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Post Production

The post production went very well for me, it was a time to reflect on the of the things I had done for the half of the term. Individually, I helped work on the video editing, adding music and general advice for the production.

If I was to improve on an area of post production, it would be to concentrate more on the editing in general, making more snippets to make the movie more complete.

If I was to change the film, I would make it slightly more serious and less comedic, as I believe that it could have been more original. I also believe I could have added more effects to the production, visually. I also believe I could have tweaked it a bit more to make it more appealing to audiences.

As a group, I believed we worked productively and well, however the absence of Joe Dyson was abit tricky as it meant we could not redo several scenes and had 1 less person to help with the editing and post production process.

In conclusion, we had a few obstacles, we with a lot of hard work and determination we finished the video project successfully.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Evaluating my contribution to Production

-I acted and co-starred in our production
-I intensivly memorised relevant sections of our script
-We as a group discussed the locations of the shooting of the film
-We put up warning signs telling other people that we were filming in that area
-We took note of health and safety hazards

The production was the most thrilling part of the whole task, as it involved less paperwork and more physical acting. We had prepared for the production in full fashion, making sure of the hazards and challenges that lay ahead.

Safety first was the mainmotive, as we had to make sure they were no wet patches, obstructions or restrictions within the acting ground. Then we proceeded with the acting without any incident.

I did not do any work behind the camera except for some positioning and advise. I would consider myself as an assistant to the director when I was not acting.


Evaluating my contribution to, Planning and Preproduction

-We met up and discussed the script, out of college hours
-We discussed the props we need and bought them
-We brainstormed and discussed the storyboards
-We met up several times to confirm the pre production process
-We completed the documents one by one and make our way through the pre production stage.

Meeting up and discussing the project throughly contributed to the bulk of the sucsess in regards to the project. My efforts for the project were mainly concentrated in the script writing and filling out the logging sheet and to a lesser extent sorting out the storyboard.

As for the group, we worked equally togeher in regards to the treatment and risk assesments. The camera handling was in the responisibility of Richard, and Joe sorted out the location and props for our production.

The pre production for our group started off slow but with a lot of work and dertermination we finished within the time limit, ready for the start of the production and eventually post-production.

I filled out paper aswell for the production, which helped me prepare for the role of the storyboard, and the script aswell.


On Monday we worked very hard on our post production and virtually finished the logging sheet. All we have to do now is edit the actually film for public exibition on Friday.