Monday, February 25, 2008


Post Production

The post production went very well for me, it was a time to reflect on the of the things I had done for the half of the term. Individually, I helped work on the video editing, adding music and general advice for the production.

If I was to improve on an area of post production, it would be to concentrate more on the editing in general, making more snippets to make the movie more complete.

If I was to change the film, I would make it slightly more serious and less comedic, as I believe that it could have been more original. I also believe I could have added more effects to the production, visually. I also believe I could have tweaked it a bit more to make it more appealing to audiences.

As a group, I believed we worked productively and well, however the absence of Joe Dyson was abit tricky as it meant we could not redo several scenes and had 1 less person to help with the editing and post production process.

In conclusion, we had a few obstacles, we with a lot of hard work and determination we finished the video project successfully.

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